Why It’s Worth Investing in Commercial Umbrella Insurance

Why It’s Worth Investing in Commercial Umbrella Insurance

Smart business decisions will serve you well as a business owner. Investing in commercial business insurance can make a lot of sense. You want financial security day in and day out. You can never know what will happen tomorrow, and therefore the right insurance policy is critical.

Financial Protection

Plenty of small businesses have had to close forever because of one incident or another. They thought they had enough business insurance in Florida to take care of everything. However, the insurance only covered a portion. They were left financially responsible for the rest.

When you have a commercial umbrella insurance policy, it can provide her the additional coverage that you need. For example, if there is a fire in your property and there is a total of $50,000 worth of damage, your commercial property insurance may only cover $25,000. The other $25,000 would be your responsibility. Since you don't have that kind of money, your umbrella insurance policy, if you have one, would cover the rest.

Coverage for Many Things

Commercial umbrella insurance provides you with coverage on all of your business policies. This means you don't have to pick and choose where are you think you may need the coverage. It could be an accident with one of the vehicles in your fleet, requiring the money to go towards your commercial auto insurance. It could be damage to your property, thus requiring it to go to your property insurance. If someone were to sue you, the settlement could be more than what you have within your liability insurance. Your umbrella policy could provide the extra coverage where you need it the most.

Money Saver

A good commercial umbrella insurance policy in Central Florida actually has the ability to save you money. Even though you need to pay a monthly premium, it can be money well spent. If you need to file a claim with any of the types of insurance you have, the umbrella insurance will kick in for any additional money. Depending upon the scenario, it could end up saving you tens of thousands of dollars. That’s a lot of money, and will ultimately affect your bottom line for the positive.

Even though you may think that you have all of the business insurance you need, you can never be too safe. You want to do right by your business, and this means obtaining financial protection. Take the time to explore commercial umbrella insurance, and get the help of an independent insurance agent. This experienced professional can help you find the policy from the many companies in Florida and get quotes on your behalf.

You’ll be happy when you have the policy because you know that you will be protected more thoroughly. Plus, if you ever do need to tap into the coverage, it may be the difference between staying in business and closing up shop forever.